Our LWML group meets on the second Saturday of every month and welcomes all confirmed women ages 12 and up. The group meets to study Scripture, take part in Christian Fellowship, and organize and act on various mission opportunities locally and nationally. Some of our recent activities include:
Collected food year-round for the Mattie N. Dixon Community Cupboard in Ambler
Collected Box Tops and Labels for Education year-round for Unity Lutheran Christian Elementary School located in an urban area of East Saint Louis, Illinois
Provided and served lunch at the Shepherd of the City Health Fair
Held a fundraiser Yard and Bake sale event, with the proceeds going to Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries
Collected clothing year-round for Orphan Grain Train
Collected toiletries and other small gifts for Artman Shoe Night at the Artman Nursing Home in Ambler
Collected toys, clothing, money, and other gifts for Christmas for Silver Springs - Martin Luther School and Home for Children in Plymouth Meeting
Baked cookies and sang Christmas carols for a local Assisted Living center
Served breakfast at the Cecil and Grace Bean Soup Kitchen a couple of times during the year
Collected mites and other offerings to send to the missions of the national LWML group